​Faith Academy Charter School aims to provide similar opportunities for students that they would receive at any other traditional public school. For this reason, FACS has established an athletic program. Objectives for FACS's athletic program include:
Building School community
Foster School pride
Serve as motivator for student academic and behavioral success
Build teamwork and collaborative skills among students​
For more information about FACS Athletics please contact our Athletic Director, Howard Torrence, at
FACS offers the following athletic opportunities for students:
Middle School
​Fall Sports​
Co-Ed Cross Country
Co-Ed Golf
Boy's Soccer
​Winter Sports​
Boy's Basketball
Girl's Basketball
​Spring Sports​
Girl's Soccer
High School
​Fall Sports​
Co-Ed Cross Country
JV Volleyball
JV Men's Soccer
​Winter Sports​
JV Men's Basketball
​Spring Sports​
JV Baseball
JV Women's Soccer
Men's Golf
Need To Know - Below you will find answers to some commonly asked questions about sports here at FACS.
Students may try out for sports at FACS starting in the 6th grade
Student Athletes must have a valid NCHSAA Sports Physical on file prior to the first day of tryouts
NCHSAA Sports Physicals are valid for 365 days
Fall Sports tryouts will be held during the last week of July each year. All other seasons will be announced during the school year.
Spring Tryouts
Tryouts will be February
Booster Club
The Booster Club supports FACS Athletics and Sports programs through: Fundraising, Sports Banquets, FACS Athletic Wear, Field and Grandstand Renovations, Uniform and Equipment donations, Promoting Patriot Pride and Spirit ....and so much more. Help support our athletes by becoming a Booster Club Member.
Membership is only $10!
​Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month @ 6:00pm Upper Campus Media Center
If you are interested in joining the FACS Booster Club please send an email to
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